Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How to earn 100 crores in one lifetime

Can you retire with 100 crores in your lifetime starting now? Understand how the concept of wealth works. Its not a rocket science once you understand the logic behind the ways the money work.

What is the formula for wealth

If you ask anyone today, how much money you want or what is the turnover you want to achieve, 100 crore is the common choice. In reality, you need far too less to enjoy the life at the fullest. So we ask, what is the formula for wealth?

Wealth = Investment x Time

A lot of wealth you will see around, if you look closely, is the result of few generations.

First Generation: Went from being illiterate to literate

Second Generation: went from village to town

Your Generation: got the surplus to invest and grow

Next Generation: your family too will be a wealthy family and look like this.

100 crore portfolio

How to invest and potentially earn 100 crores

Rule No 1: You cannot earn 100 crores easily, but you can invest and grow

Rule No 2: There are no shortcuts for success. You take to give your investment time to grow

Rule No 3: Investment is like watching a tree grow. It will take its own time and effort

Rule No 4: Wealth is a multi-generational concept.

The rule of 72

The number 72 is a magic number in investing. If you want to double your money is 4 years, divide 72 by 4, which will give 16. Thus, if your investments grow at 16% per annum, your money will double in 4 years. Lets do a little math

Start amountAgeTotal Portfolio
10 Lakh18 Years old10 Lakh
10 Lakh22 Years old20 Lakh
20 Lakh26 Years old40 Lakh
40 Lakh30 Years old80 Lakh
80 Lakh34 Years1.6 Cr
1.6 Cr38 Years 3 Cr
3 Cr42 Years6 Cr
6 Cr46 Years12 Cr
12 Cr50 Years25 Cr
25 Cr54 Years50 Cr
50 Cr58 Years100 Cr
A dream worth following

So you can see, if you follow certain discipline, get started early, your generation and next will be a wealthy one for sure.


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